- BP Oil Spill Claims (6)
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (154)
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (144)
- Consumer Class Actions (2)
- Credit Report Violations – FCRA (25)
- Creditor Harassment and FDCPA (59)
- Debt Buyer Collection Lawsuits (15)
- Debt Settlement (20)
- Deficiency Waivers and Lawsuits (14)
- Economic News (18)
- Eldercare (9)
- Employment Law (2)
- Estate Planning (5)
- Foreclosure Defense (84)
- General firm (1)
- Legislative actions (2)
- Long Term Care Insurance Claims (4)
- Modifications (30)
- Mortgage issues (23)
- Personal Injury (4)
- Quiet Title and other Real Property (4)
- Reboot Your Life (36)
- Rebuilding Credit Scores (10)
- Short Sales (11)
- Small Business Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (4)
- Student loans (346)
- Surviving and Thriving Through COVID-19 (24)