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SBA Notices Going Out by Email

arkovich_law-narrowThe SBA is sending out e-mails that seem to indicate that even though the signature block for the borrower is a corporate entity or LLC, the individual signing is also somehow liable in a personal capacity. But they also confirm that loans up to $200,000 require no personal guaranty. The language is as follows:

Personal Guaranty:
$0 – $200,000: No personal guaranty required

Per the NOTE:

GENERAL PROVISIONS: A) All individuals and entities signing the Note, are jointly and severally liable. B) Borrower waives all suretyship defenses. C) Borrower must sign all documents required at any time to comply with the Loan Documents and to enable SBA to acquire, perfect, or maintain SBA’s liens on Collateral. D) SBA may exercise any of its rights separately or together, as many times and in any order it chooses. SBA may delay or forgo enforcing any of its rights without giving up any of them. E) Borrower may not use an oral statement of SBA to contradict or alter the written terms of the Note. F) If any part of the Note is unenforceable, all other parts remain in effect. G) To the extent allowed by law, Borrower waives all demands and notices in connection with the Note, including presentment, demand, protest, and notice of dishonor. Borrower also waives any defenses based upon any claim that SBA did not obtain any guarantee; did not obtain, perfect, or maintain a lien upon Collateral; impaired Collateral; or did not obtain the fair market value of Collateral at a sale. H) SBA may sell or otherwise transfer the Note.

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