The Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida maintains its own newsletter called Court Connection which is distributed among court personnel and attorneys throughout the Middle District of Florida. This Court is the third most busy bankruptcy district in the country! One of the reasons it’s so active is that it covers several large metro areas including Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Daytona, Jacksonville, and Ocala. The Hon. Judge Jennemann wrote a short introductory article about how this new program got its start and the various participants along the way.
Our article “Why Do We Need the Student Loan Management Program?” was published and distributed today in the Court Connection. It discussed this brand new program which is the first in the nation developed to address student loan debt in bankruptcy. We hope that it helps to raise awareness of the need and application of a program such as this.
We are hopeful that the new Student Loan Management Program will be adopted throughout the country as a new way to combat student loan debt. The key goals are to enhance communication, increase awareness of various options regarding both private and federal loans, and take advantage of applicable programs and mediation while in bankruptcy, rather than just suffer through years of forbearance that only results in larger balances post bankruptcy with no forgiveness on the horizon.