This month, lots of debt collectors are filing cases. You may have been served recently. First, don’t ignore it. If you ignore a summons, it’s easy for the debt collector to get a judgment and start to garnish your wages or bank accounts. Don’t do it. We call that “low hanging fruit”. They like when you default. It’s an automatic win for them.
There are many possible defenses. Perhaps their paperwork is bad. Perhaps they tried to collect too aggressively and violated our consumer laws. Maybe they waited too long to sue and the statute of limitations ran. Something. Anything.
You can also settle. A settlement before they win. After they win, they no longer want to settle on terms that you may find attractive.
And after they have a garnishment in place, they are getting paid. No way they want to take less then. And certainly not in installments. How much do you have saved to pay off the debt in lump sum? In the post-garnishment stage, that’s the only kind of settlement that we see. Unless you hire us to try to dissolve the garnishment. Maybe you’re a single parent. Maybe your earnings come from Social Security.
Bankruptcy? That could be an option. We see lots of people out there with lots of debt. We can fight one case, and even win, but like that game – another pops up. Then another. And another. Bankruptcy is a good way to get rid of all of it. Truly start fresh.
Talk to us. We can help you make important decisions about what to do next.
We are licensed attorneys in Florida. Only Florida. But perhaps we can help?