Articles Posted in Student loans

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We have five seminars that our attorneys are presenting at this month and next!

  • Bankruptcy Updates:  COVID-19 Changes to the Bankruptcy Code – The Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2020,  April 26, 2021
  • SD FL Student Loan Program Virtual Workshop, May 10, 2021.
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Free course available on April 7, 2021 at 4:00 EST by Student Loan Attorney Christie Arkovich.

Everyone is asking what they can expect from a Biden administration’s student loan relief. In this course, you will learn about the CARES Act and its extensions, including COVID-19 forbearance; interest waiver for direct loans; rules for ongoing collections; and other nuances of these new federal laws protecting borrowers during COVID-19. We will also discuss the tax forgiveness waiver for all student loans provided by the stimulus bill and anticipated forgiveness in future bills. Traps for the unwary will be identified, and solutions will be provided by a nationally known student loan attorney.

Learning Objectives:
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For our CPA and financial planner friends, tomorrow I’m giving a FREE crash course in Covid-19 Student Loan Relief — what’s already happened, what can be expected from the Biden Administration.

You can sign up for Wed. April 7 at 4:00 EST.  You can watch it later also and 1.0 CPE credit is available for this.  Here’s the sign up page:

Hope to see you there!

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Here is an advertisement that a client sent me today from a loan she took out when she was 19 years old and didn’t know any better.  She regrets it now when the balance has ballooned for her private loans to 100k and she only makes 35k after being out of school for many years now.  We won’t discuss the additional 350k of federal loans, but at least there are income driven plans to fall back on for those.

There is no safety net for private loans and many lenders took advantage.

Looks like an exhibit to me… and what about this one:

Published on: recently filed a dispute for one of our clients for student loans that were not accurately reported on her credit reports following our settlement.  What a difference it made — 595 to 749!

I’ve received a letter today from Equifax stating that the 4 disputed XXXX accounts have been “Deleted from the credit file”. I checked my Equifax report through credit karma and they are indeed gone making my score jump from 595 to 749!

One giant leap for studentkind!  Over 150 points in one fell swoop.  If you need help addressing your student debt or debt that is incorrectly being reported on your credit reports, please reach out to us.

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Inflation and interest rates are the two primary culprits.

Bankruptcy can actually be a fix to this problem and is something that everyone should evaluate NOW.  Does it make sense to clear the deck and start fresh?  Especially when that deck is stacked against most Americans who are not otherwise wealthy.  Especially, for anyone who has private student loans, the decision is pretty much a no brainer — bankruptcy can result in a full discharge of many private student loans or a very low payment plan, with very low interest.  Basically, a way out.

High credit card balances, underwater vehicle loans, unpaid rent — bankruptcy can easily fix this.

Published on: bought $1.5 billion of Bitcoin.  I own Bitcoin.  This makes me happy.

What else makes me happy is a private student loan settlement offer we received on one of our adversary cases this morning.  Our client will only have to pay back $22,000 rather than the whopping $300,000 she currently owes.  That’s 7% by the way.  Whooo hoo!  Very reasonable and very affordable payments as well.  We understand the student debt crisis out there and are doing our part in helping our clients with student loans to deal — and to get out of debt!!

While I acknowledge everyone should repay their debt, the problem with much of the student loan debt out there is the lack of benefit received, and in many cases the predatory nature of the schools and many of these loans.  This settlement was for a private debt — not government.  If she had had federal student loans, there would have been income driven debt forgiveness programs to at least address the lack of income her education has provided.  Return on investment – that’s the true test of what a college student should borrow.  If no return, then bet on Bitcoin.  You’d be better off.

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reboot_your_life_after_bk-ebook-picThere are so many things that set us apart and in my opinion make us one of the best law firms in the Tampa Bay area that you can choose to file your bankruptcy.  Whoever you are looking to hire to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you should ask these questions:

  • What kind of lawyer and staff turnover do you have?  (our bankruptcy paralegal and attorney have been with us for five plus years – nearly ten in fact – it helps to speak with the same person as your case progresses, who knows you and your situation)
  • Can you help me with my student loans (this is where we really stand out — we own student loans – every day, we are reducing or outright eliminating student loan debt in one form or another)
Published on:’t let this happen to you or one of your loved ones!  Take action now!  Tell your loved ones and friends to take action now.  Don’t wait for Congress.  With the $2,000 stimulus that is now likely, it appears that President Elect Biden may have to push any meaningful student loan relief further down the road.  Also what will that relief mean:  10k reduction is my best guess – after Congress approval.  Why not reach out to us and go for the the whole tamale.  10k is usually nothing for most of our clients.

This is a review we received today from a very happy client in Tampa Florida after we got rid of ALL of his federal student loans:

Thank you so much, you have no idea how appreciated you are for your all of your time work, and effort {to eliminate 100% of my student loan debt tax free}.

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YAY — Bloomberg posted this tonight at 9:02 p.m.  I couldn’t be happier about Secretary DeVos resigning from the Department of Education.  It is well known that she has been a thorn in student loan advocates’ sides for quite some time!

It’s too early to tell what exactly all the changes will be, but I imagine they will be numerous.  Stay tuned and please follow us on Facebook or Twitter (see above buttons) or subscribe to our blog for a play by play…

Christie Arkovich


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