All debtors must appear at a meeting called the “341 meeting of creditors”. Creditors may, but usually do not appear, and it is the Trustee asking most of the questions. This 341 must occur for a bankruptcy to be successful and applies in both a Chapter 7 and 13.
The trustee will first verify your identity. While this sounds simple, you must bring an original social security card or an original government issued document that shows your full social security number. You’d be surprised at how many people think they know where they keep their original SSN card, but can’t find it when they are in a hurry about to leave to the 341 meeting. So look for it early. The meeting cannot be held without that documentation.
Also, make sure that your driver’s license has the exact name that is listed on your petition for bankruptcy. If it is different, you’ll likely need to amend your petition to show that name and any other iterations of your legal name that you may use (“a/k/a”).