
What to Expect From Your Student Loan Consultation?

Just now, I got off the phone with a very sophisticated potential client who is facing a garnishment for his federal loans.  This was a very intelligent person and well respected in his field, but he didn’t really know much about how the student loan system worked.  His closing comment to me before we ended the call was “What a productive phone call!”  I often hear “I wish I had called you years ago, I’d be that much further ahead”.

I mention this because due to high demand, we now have to charge for our student loan consultations – $175.

But we offer a Guarantee:

  • We waive the consult fee if you hire us;
  • We may be able to tell you what you should do and how to do it which would enable you to avoid having to hire an attorney altogether if you like doing things yourself but don’t know what or how to do it;
  • If we find we cannot help you in the first 5-10 minutes, there would be no charge (but you’d have the certainty that you’ve done everything you can to to reduce or eliminate student loan debt).

Over the years, we’ve heard many things at the end of our consultations:

“this was a gift from heaven”

“finally there is light at the end of the tunnel”

“I wished I called you years ago”

“I didn’t know there was such a thing as a student loan lawyer”

“Finally, I have hope, I thought there was no end in sight to these student loans”

“The information alone, I could never have figured that out”

So please reach out to us now for help to reduce your student loan debt.  Don’t let more years go by watching the debt go up.

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