
Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Race – I urge you to tell everyone you know down there to vote for Jessica Ticktin

Our firm doesn’t practice much in South Florida because it’s a little too far from our base in Tampa. But word has gotten around hundreds of miles away that the incumbent Judge Lewis leaves a lot to be desired in a Judge and it is negatively impacting homeowners facing foreclosure.

In case anyone reading this has friends or relatives in Palm Beach county, please pass along this blog and its links as we would like to help promote the candidacy of Jessica Ticktin as someone we feel would be an experienced, understanding and impartial judge.

Some words from Ms. Ticktin:
Jessica Ticktin has won several important endorsements in the past two weeks from (click on the news source for the link to the endorsement):

The Palm Beach Post: readily endorsed Ms. Ticktin:
“Ticktin’s experience and demeanor make her a more than capable replacement.”

Sun Sentinel also recommended Jessica Ticktin for Judge:
“the steady, fair temperament [Ticktin] would bring to the Circuit Court bench”

West Boca News: had this to say:
“Put more bluntly, Judge Lewis on the bench is rude, biased, unprofessional, and lacking in common sense.”

The Palm Beach County Bar Association evaluates judges based on several factors. Lawyers in the county have consistently rated Judge Lewis the worst in the county.
A substantial majority of the lawyers responding rated her poorly for “Judicial Demeanor & Courtesy to Lawyers,” by far the worst. Half the judges in the county are rated “needs improvement” on that factor by single digits. 147 lawyers gave her that rating. Only one other judge had half that many.

She had the worst ratings of the 34 circuit judges on most of the factors. The article in the West Boca News link above gives the ratings and categories.

According to Westlaw results, Lewis has one of the highest reversal rates on appeal of any Circuit Court Judge in Palm Beach County, over 40%.

Please take a few moments to contact anyone you know in Palm Beach county or the surrounding area and send them this blog. Thank you for reading this and for your support of those who advocate for a fair, professional and impartial judiciary.

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