NACBA (National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys) responded this weekend to the government’s latest approach to the foreclosure crisis with what I call the Principal Paydown Plan. Rather than turn us into a nation of renters under the recent suggestion that Freddie and Fannie rent their foreclosed properties or sell…
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog
Suggested Short sale Contract Language to Help Avoid Deficiency Judgments
When listing and selling a home in a short sale, homeowners should consider including language to limit recovery of any unpaid amounts by the mortgage company (known as the deficiency balance). In Florida, we recommend this limitation be placed in the Purchase and Sale Contract. This way when the lender/bank…
Florida foreclosure courts shutting down
The special foreclosure courts in HIllsborough county are shutting down the end of this week. Does this mean the foreclosure crisis is finally at an end? Not exactly. In 2010, the Florida legislature approved legislative funding to the Florida court system to help eliminate the backlog in foreclosure cases. Filing…
Watch out for Aggressive HOAs in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, Florida
It has been my practice to advise clients to remain current on their Homeowners Association dues (HOA) even though they are behind or in foreclosure on their first mortgage. Today, an article appeared in the St. Pete Times describing a local company Prop. Inc. and its purchase of 71 properties…
HAMP releases second mortgage HELOCs
I have discussed the many second mortgages that can be removed or stripped off clients’ property in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy due to the low home values in Florida. Today, I’d like to discuss other possibilities to remove a second mortgage that we are seeing. Today for instance, I received…
Exemptions Calculus
Bankruptcy clients who are new to Florida come to our office complaining about what I call the Exemptions Calculus Problem. Learning calculus seems simpler. Below are some useful sites and a brief explanation as to how exemptions work. First, exemptions in bankruptcy are important because they decide what you get…
Strategic Defaults – When it’s Time to Walk Away From Your Home
Have you been considering walking away from your house payments and mortgage? According to a recent CNN article, many homeowners are getting ruthless and voluntarily choosing to walk away. We are seeing this more and more among our foreclosure defense and short sale clients. Sometimes it is better to take…
Strip Your Second Mortgage – It’s Easier Than You Think.
In an article recently about shedding second mortgages, I am reminded that many people still do not realize that they can often strip their second mortgage forever in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Although this article addresses homeowners in California, the same is true for our Florida clients. The key is…
You cannot be fired for filing bankruptcy, but it may be used as a reason to deny new applicant
The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals which governs the State of Florida, recently ruled on May 17, 2011 in the case of Myers v. TooJay’s Management Corp. that private employers can legally deny employment to applicants if they filed for bankruptcy. In doing so, our Circuit is now consistent with…
Nice short targets: BOA and LPS
Before the foreclosure crisis got its legs in Florida and around the nation, back in 2006, 2007 and mostly 2008, I