Many more bankrupt debtors will be able to keep their house in a Chapter 7 now! In a surprising decision by a court of appeals not noted for its sympathy for debtors’ positions, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, held in a unanimous decision that a Chapter 7 debtor may…
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog
When is the best time to file bankruptcy?
Our Tampa, Florida bankruptcy law firm is small enough that we are able to help time our clients’ bankruptcy case for maximum results. Without proper timing, a bankruptcy can feel more like a trap than a remedy for financial ills. We are often able to save our clients several hundred…
Surrendered your house in Florida and still getting letters?
Many bankruptcy debtors in Florida are understandably confused when they surrender their home in the bankruptcy, but are still receiving various dunning letters. First, it is important to understand that the Bankruptcy Code does not have a mechanism in place to provide for the actual transfer of the real estate…
Ocwen Loan Modifications = Huge Principal Reductions
Here in Florida, our foreclosure defense clients have seen two more excellent principal reduction offers in the past month – both from Ocwen. Both reductions were to the fair market value, maybe even below, and both were reduced over $100,000. Additionally, the interest rates were reduced to 4% for the…
AG Settlement: Florida Underwater Homeowners May See Principal Reductions
The recent AG settlement among the states’ Attorneys General and the five largest mortgage servicers is expected to be filed any day now. Hopefully then more light will be shed on what exactly the terms are and how they will help Florida homeowners. The Wall Street Journal reported today that…
1099C Debt Cancellation: Tampa Florida Channel 13 Interviews Attorney Christie Arkovich
Creditors are busily sending out more 1099C’s then ever before according to a story by Jeremy Campbell of Channel 13 in Tampa, Florida this week. The news story “How the IRS taxes debt” explains that debt settlements while good, come with a penalty. Consumers are taxed on the forgiven debt…
Occupy Tampa USF Foreclosure Seminar with April Charney
USF and Occupy Tampa is holding a Foreclosure Teach-In this Saturday March 10, 2012 1:30-4:30. There is no charge and you can also attend via the Internet live feed. Senior Staff Attorney from Jacksonville Area Legal Aid April Charney will be speaking. April has been traveling around the State of…
Debt Settlement vs. Bankruptcy
I often sit with my clients in Tampa, Florida and perform a simple test: I make two columns on a piece of paper and list the pros and cons of filing bankruptcy versus trying to settle their debt. More often than not, the bankruptcy column has many more pros, while…
Principal Paydown Plan Proposed by Bankruptcy Attorneys Rejected by FHFA
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) that recently approved of HAMP principal reduction for Freddie and Fannie loans has rejected a proposal by the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA). The Principal Paydown Plan is designed to amend the bankruptcy code to allow for payments during a Chapter 13…
HAMP Expanded – Will it help Florida’s Homeowners?
The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) is being extended and expanded to reach more borrowers- will it be enough to help or an example of “too little too late”? On January 27, 2012, the Treasury department announced the revisions. First, to encourage principal reduction, the Treasury is tripling incentives and…