Great news! – Please read all the way to the bottom — there is now a strong probability of discharging federal loans for ITT’s former students, going back up to 12 years – provided you can show you learned of the fraud within the past 4 yrs under Florida’s discovery…
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog
Hamp Loan Mod Expiration Dec 2016 and What It Means for Homeowners
One item not getting a lot of press but it probably should is the expiration of the Treasury Department’s Making Homes Affordable MHA HAMP program on December 30, 2016. More info can be found here. The good news is that the deadline won’t cancel any pending mod applications. The general…
Caribbean For-Profit Medical Schools — Bankruptcy Relief May Be Available to Discharge Student Loan Debt
Recently I’ve been researching the student loan system and how things work in non-U.S. based medical schools. Unbelievably there are three dozen island medical schools. That’s a crazy high number, just how many islands are there in the Caribbean anyway? Federal student loan aid is generally not available for these…
Borrower Defense to Repayment for Student Loan Fraud -New Regs Are OUT!
Well the final regs are out now. But they are 927 pages. This is gonna take a while to read through — and looking at Halloween costumes on Facebook is winning out right now. More to come later…. Happy Halloween everyone!!
ABC Action News – New Hope for Many In Debt Students Who Attended for Profit Schools Like ITT and IADT
ABC Action News interviewed two of our clients who have attended ITT and IADT: You can click on the ABC Action News above or type the above link into your browser. These students attended ITT and IADT here in Tampa several years ago and have tons of federal student…
What Can Happen After a Foreclosure Is Dismissed – Loans Mods Still in Play
We received a nice loan mod today with a P&I payment of only $746. For our bartender client that is great news and very affordable! She had even had a loan mod previously but had lost her job and was unable to pay so Wells Fargo filed another foreclosure action…
Florida as a Bankruptcy Debtors’ Haven? Not Always… What it Means to Surrender a Home in Bankruptcy.
Florida has a history of being unusually lenient when it comes to debtor protections in bankruptcy. For one, we’ve opted out of the federal exemptions and have our own. The homestead protections are some of the best in the country. In some ways Florida’s exemptions are good, in others they…
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) – Auto-Dialer Uncertainty
Were you aware that when you tell a bill collector (including a student loan collector) to stop calling your cell phone, they must do so immediately? Well usually. It depends upon the type of telephone system the collector is using. If they are manually dialing the phone, then they can…
The Witch is Dead!!! ACICS, the Accreditor for Both ITT and Corinthian Just had its Own Recognition Revoked!
This is great news!! Many of us have been complaining about the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (“ACICS”) for the past year. This is the accreditor for both Corinthian and ITT. Both Corinthian and ITT were accredited up until the very day they filed bankruptcy. What does that…
Transparency for Student Loans
Earlier this week I wrote about the transparency of costs of education and how private for-profit institutions are likely going to have to change their marketing to comply with stricter oversight by the CFPB and the accreditation agency for these for-profit private schools, ACICS. Well today I received an emailed…