
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


Income Based Debt Forgiveness Plans: Do You Have to Be Current in Your Payments to Be Eligible?

Normally, when we apply for an income based plan with debt forgiveness, our clients do not have be current in their student loan payments.  They cannot be in default, but up to 270 days delinquency is fine.  We request a hardship forbearance to cover the missed payments.  In many cases,…


How to Keep Your Home When Your Loan Mod is Denied: File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

With the property market continuing to improve in Florida, we are seeing more lenders delay and place obstacles in front of borrowers trying to modify their home mortgage in an effort to keep their homes.  There are certain court rules and CFPB rules regarding modification that an attorney may be…


Student Loan Debt Relief Questions Answered in Podcast with local Tampa Florida Attorney (Christie Arkovich)

My friend Shawn Yesner interviewed me on his Crushing Debt Podcast that is now available Live: THE CRUSHING DEBT PODCAST IS NOW LIVE. SUBSCRIBE USING THE LINK BELOW: iTunes . Stitcher . Google Shawn M. Yesner, Esq. Yesner Law Podcast – Episode 50   Questions like this are asked and answered: Are you…


Christie as Panel Speaker at ABI Conference Last Weekend About Student Loans

In my continued quest to help get the word out about things that can be done NOW to help relieve student loan debt, I was offered the opportunity to speak to about 100 bankruptcy attorneys on a panel about FDCPA violations. We are constantly on the lookout for consumer collection…


CFPB files suit against Navient — hopefully the exposure of their shady practices will help our Florida clients!

Do you have Navient as your student loan servicer?  Are you happy with them, do they do a good job?  Most of our clients despise Navient, and much of what Navient does may actually be illegal.  The CFPB filed a lawsuit against them yesterday alleging consumer law violations under the…


Help Effect Student Loan Servicer Changes: Join a Class Action

The CFPB announced in mid 2016 that it was looking more closely at student loan servicers  (companies that collect payments from borrowers) and their role in the increased student loan defaults.  It has announced this as one of their priorities for 2017.  Last fall, the CFPB issued a joint statement…


Older Americans Defaulting on Student Loan Debt: How to Fight Back

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just released a snapshot this week on the excess financial problems that student loan debt is causing our older population.  The CFPB reports that in 2015, nearly 40% of federal student loan borrowers age 60 and older were in default.  I’d venture to say that…


DeVry Settled Allegations it Oversold its Job Placement Rates – Claiming 90% – Impact on DTR Apps and Class Actions?

DeVry University just agreed last week to a $100 million settlement as reported by the FTC.  We are seeing more of our Florida student loan clients start to question their education at DeVry and starting to understand why they haven’t been able to find employment that they were led to…

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