Look carefully and you’ll see our office cat amongst all the cobwebs and spiders. Somehow Chloe is putting up with all this. Not sure I would if I were her…. (thanks to Angie and Sandra for all the great decorating ideas!) Happy Halloween everyone!
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog
Outside the Box Bankruptcy Solutions for Student Loans
How can a bankruptcy help reduce your student loan debt? We’ve been making great strides in obtaining student loan debt relief in bankruptcy lately. Most people think only of whether their student loans can be discharged in bankruptcy. Usually the answer is “no”. But that’s not where the focus…
Reduce Your Student Loan Payment by 88%!
This could easily be you! This is a word-for-word review posted this week by a satisfied student loan client: Christie Arkovich and her team changed my life for the better. I went to her stressed because I couldn’t afford my monster student loan payment any longer (and getting a deferment…
Bankruptcy Trustee’s 341 Meeting: What to Expect and Watch Out For
All debtors must appear at a meeting called the “341 meeting of creditors”. Creditors may, but usually do not appear, and it is the Trustee asking most of the questions. This 341 must occur for a bankruptcy to be successful and applies in both a Chapter 7 and 13. The…
Buying a Home After Bankruptcy or Foreclosure
After experiencing the dreaded foreclosure or bankruptcy, you might worry that mortgage lenders will reject you when you attempt to buy another home. Anxiety over, “Will they think it’ll happen again and not give me a chance?” is perfectly logical. Luckily, you have no need to worry. Buying a home…
CFPB Consent Order with NCSLT and TSI — Impact in Bankruptcies
I’ve blogged about the new CFPB Consent Orders here, against both NCSLT and TSI which requires a halt to all collection activities for the vast majority of NCSLT trusts for private student loans, but what might it mean for pending bankruptcies? First, the Consent Orders require the payment of millions of…
Help Us Help You! Get Rid of Mandatory Arbitration in Consumer Contracts
It’s simple. If you are wronged, you should be able to pick the forum to go after the lender, bank, student loan company, credit card company, car rental company, credit bureau, you name it — and that forum should include the local courthouse and not just arbitration. The CFPB recently…
Being Sued by NCSLT? – CFPB Order Halts Collections – How to Use To Your Advantage Right Now!
Are you being sued by NCSLT as many of our clients are? You should be aware that the CFPB just entered an Order requiring NCSLT to halt collections per the NYT. The Consent Order is effective immediately although the Judgment itself still needs to be approved and signed by the…
Are you being sued or threatened with garnishment on private student loans by Transworld or NCSLT?
First, don’t give up. You may have numerous defenses available – we are a law firm that helps student loan borrowers. Don’t let them get a default judgment against you where they can garnish 25% of wages and seize your bank accounts. Over 90% of these cases go to default…
Hurricane Irma – What to Do If You Cannot Afford to Make Your Mortgage or Student Loan Payments?
Hurricane Irma has caused an interruption in income for many people in Florida and elsewhere. This information may be helpful for those who cannot make their mortgage or student loan payment when due: For those in a rehab agreement on federal student loans to avoid wage garnishment: Payments to Rehabilitate…