
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


Can an Independent Contractor’s Income be Garnished?

It’s more difficult for a creditor, including the government for federal student loans, to garnish income from someone who is self-employed — but it can be done.  Once the creditor is aware that someone is self-employed, they can have a second order entered to go after non-earnings paid to the…


Satisfied Second Mortgages During the Financial Crisis Rearing Their Ugly Heads!

During the financial crisis, many banks, especially Bank of America, N.A., received credit under the National Mortgage Settlement Act when they wrote off an underwater second mortgage.  This was very common in Florida because many 80/20 mortgages were written around 2004-2007 and values crashed in 2008. However, now years later,…


Tax Relief for Discharged or Forgiven Student Loans

The tax landscape for student loan forgiveness is constantly shifting.  Earlier this year we blogged about disability discharges of federal student loan debt no longer considered taxable.  Discharges in bankruptcy for either federal loans under a Brunner challenge or non-qualified private student loans that don’t meet the definitions for discharge…


How to Fight Back Against Debt Collectors Using the TCPA, FDCPA, FCCPA and FCRA – Boy, that’s a mouthful!

The Fraudsters radio show interviewed me this week for about an hour on how consumers can arm themselves and proactively protect their credit report, stop or fix violations, and obtain damages for violations under the TCPA, FDCPA, FCCPA and the FCRA.  Here’s a direct link to the interview about how…


TCPA Consumer Lawyer – Adapting to New Collections Tactics by Debt Collectors and New Laws

From time to time, our consumer law practice here in Tampa, Fl has had to shift gears to better use our state and federal laws that protect consumers faced with debt – and the inevitable robocalls and erroneous credit reports that come with that. The current state of robocalls is…

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