
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


Military VETS are being unfairly denied for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)

I heard from a client today who attended one of our student loan seminars recently.  Many of her colleagues in the military recently submitted their PSLF applications and are now starting to get back denials.  Despite completing the ten years of payments while working full time for Uncle Sam, PSLF…


Tips and Traps for Federal Student Loan Consolidation and Refinance

I thought I’d take a few minutes to write a follow up to Jeff Gitlen’s informative piece on consolidation of federal student loans over on As a student loan attorney, we have learned several tricks to take advantage of ways to reduce student loan debt while avoiding the traps…


Holistic Approach to Foreclosure Defense

It’s well known that Florida foreclosure attorneys vary in experience and results.  Some do loan mods, some don’t.  Some do short sales, some don’t.  Some file bankruptcies, some don’t.  Some do appeals, some don’t. We’ve always taken what I call a holistic approach.  While we can try for a dismissal…


Arkovich to Speak at Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Assoc meeting Oct 2 – Tues lunch – Please come!

I’ve been invited by the Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association to speak about student loan debt and what can be done – both inside and outside of bankruptcy.  This is for the Consumer luncheon on the fifth floor of the federal courthouse if any local attorneys are interested in attending. …


Robocalling Cases Coming Out at a Furious Pace

Robocalling case law has been rapidly evolving over the past few months.  The latest case out of Tampa’s Middle District, is the case of MELANIE GLASSER, individually & on behalf of all others similarly situated Plaintiff, v. HILTON GRAND VACATIONS COMPANY, LLC. Defendant., No. 8:16-CV-952-JDW-AAS, 2018 WL 4565751, at *5 (M.D.…


How Would You Like to Settle Your Private Student Loans for 30%? And Payable with a Reasonable Payment Plan? Without Further Interest?

When you contact your private student loan company, you likely will be told the only options are: 1) a payment amount that is much higher than you can afford, or 2) to make an interest only payment which makes no dent whatsoever on the loan balance.  Stop that.  Read below. …


Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts – How to Avoid Being Thrown out of Court

Many consumers aren’t aware that when they sign up for a service, or buy a product, that they are agreeing that in the event of a dispute that the parties will be referred to arbitration.  These clauses often waive the consumer’s right to go to court, present their case before…

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