
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


RNs, CNAs, LPNs all at Risk of Losing their License over Defaulted Student Loans

This week, Adam Walser of ABC Action News reports on the problem where licensed health care workers who are in default on their federal student loans are at risk of losing that license here in the State of Florida “Florida Board of Health Suspends Health Care Licenses Over Student Loan…


Can I Obtain Federal Student Loans During or After a Bankruptcy?

Generally, approval is needed from the bankruptcy court to take on any new debt in the form of a new federal or private student loan.  This would include the filing of a refinance or even a consolidation application – as these are considered new loans. ECMC, the guarantor of FFEL…


What to Look For In Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney?

When you are thinking about hiring a bankruptcy attorney, what should you consider? – besides all the regular stuff like client reviews, years of practice, cost, availability, knowledgeable, friendliness of attorney and staff etc. One thing to keep in mind is what other areas does that law firm handle and…


CEC Settlement with States’ Attorneys General: A Huge Step Forward for All Studentkind.

In what reads like a Student’s Bill of Rights, a 76 page Assurance of Voluntary Compliance, CEC must clearly and conspicuously disclose to prospective students a “Single-Page Disclosure Sheet” that contains the following information: the anticipated total direct cost for the program of study at the prospective campus; provided, however,…


Are You Tired of Butting Your Head Against the Wall Disputing Your Credit?

Did you ever wonder why credit reporting agencies cannot correct an error?  Even one that seems rather obvious to you? The reason is the elaborate mechanism created by the credit reporting industry is inherently flawed.  This leads to inaccurate credit reports that lead consumers to paying too much for credit…


Hope Everyone has Recharged and Regrouped After the Holidays!

Most of us still use the New Year as an opportunity to review the past year and set goals for the New Year.  My own practice has grown tremendously from this goal setting.  We target the best strategies to grow our practice and help our clients to get back on…


Other FHA Mortgage Advantages – Assumability and waiver of deficiencies

I’ve written before about the requirement in FHA mortgages that the lender send certified letters and conduct a face-to-face meeting with a borrower before initiating a foreclosure.  When a lender fails to do that, the may be liable for the damages sustained in a wrongful foreclosure.  There are other advantages…

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