
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


How to Avoid Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts — Bankruptcy Court Can Help!

Are you looking down the barrel of an arbitration clause in your consumer/creditor agreement?  I’ve posted before (Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts – How to Avoid Being Thrown out of Court) on some local case law here in Florida to help avoid arbitration clauses – but here’s a new case…


Scathing Audit of the Department of Education’s Oversight of its Servicers Show 61% Noncompliance

As a student loan attorney, I find this appalling.  What if someone hired me as their attorney and I failed to comply with the law 61% of the time?  I bet I’d be hearing from the Florida Bar pretty quickly and I’d probably lose my license to practice law. But…


Little Known Process to Discharge of Federal Student Loans due to Disability

There is a separate process from the Social Security Administration’s process that is available through NelNet to discharge federal student loans (no matter who the servicer is).  It’s called a Total and Permanent Disability Application.  The good news is that it has been taking our firm only about two months…


Ever Wonder Which States are most Impacted by Student Loan Debt? You Guessed it Florida is Right Smack in it. Good Thing I Don’t Practice in South Dakota, I’d be Bored.

This is a pretty cool map that shows the southeastern U.S. as ground zero for the student loan crisis.  Most all of Florida shows this to be a High, Very High or Extremely High debt level according to this map. I’m glad our bankruptcy court for the Middle District of…


Why Not Ask a Student Loan Attorney What Can be Done to Reduce Student Loan Debt?

If someone were to ask me what could be done legislatively to help student loan borrowers manage or reduce their student loan debt, I’d suggest and have suggested: 1) simplification of the IDR programs- President Trump has included this in the two most recent budget proposals – one plan that…

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