
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


Foreclosure and Deficiency Reporting on Credit Reports

A mortgage servicer called a “furnisher” for purposes of credit reporting is responsible for updates to a borrower’s credit report.  Many times following a foreclosure, there is a limited time for the lender to seek a deficiency judgment.  Here is Florida it is one year.  If a year goes by,…


Borrower Defense to Repayment Update

We’ve made the difficult decision to not take any further clients who have requested assistance in filing Borrower Defense to Repayment applications.  Importantly, it is NOT because the program itself won’t result in possible full forgiveness, we still expect that for many borrowers, but it is taking a longgg time. …


Inflation: What is the Real Rate? How do I Beat That?

Life Isn’t Meant to be Lived Paycheck to Paycheck I know there’s been lots of press about the 8.5% inflation rate that was announced this week. I also know that many people don’t believe that number.  Why not? Well, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has been consistently modifying their…


What you Need to Know about the Navient/Attorney General settlement

$1.8 Billion Navient Settlement — Are You Included?   We’re starting 2022 off with good news. There is a $1.8 billion student loan settlement between Navient (a loan servicer) and 39 different state attorney generals. In the settlement, Navient agreed to “refrain from informing private loan borrowers that their loans…


Public Service Loan Forgiveness — What is the PSLF Waiver and What Does it Fix?!

    Here’s a link to the video.  Please subscribe so we can continue to offer this information free to everyone!  Thank you! We are happy to share our thoughts on the new Public Service Loan Forgiveness Waiver announced last month.  It truly will fix most all of the problems…

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