
Reboot Your Life: Tampa Student Loan and Bankruptcy Attorney Blog


Surprise surprise — The Exit from Forbearance Can Get Messy!

While it took longer than I and many other consumer advocates thought, the house of cards is starting to slip finally.  Many mortgage companies did not fully disclose exactly what would be required once the CARES Act expired and mortgage payments would resume.  I’m sure many homeowners have claims out…


PSLF Deadline of 10/31 to Sign PSLF Application and have Employer sign Certification

Urgent 10/31 deadline for PSLF We have learned that not only must the employer certification be dated 10/31 or before, but borrowers must use the PSLF HelpTool to download and sign the PSLF application by end of day 10/31. We recommend doing so as soon as possible to avoid any…


PSLF Waiver Deadline: One Week Left

Borrowers seeking public service loan forgiveness have ONE week left or until October 31, 2022, to: Get your consolidation application filed for any FFEL or Perkins loans to make them eligible; AND Have your employer sign the PSLF certification form. Please don’t miss these deadlines! P.S.:  you don’t lose any…


Can You Build Wealth With 6-Figures of Student Loan Debt? Yes!

A podcast I did for Wealthy Woman Lawyer about student loan debt relief just dropped here: The key to increasing wealth is often thought of as increasing multiple revenue streams etc.  While reducing expenses may not be the most important thing to increasing wealth, sometimes you just can’t get…


How do Attorney’s Fees Work in Florida and When Does it Make Sense to Sue?

People are often confused about how attorney’s fees work – when do you have to pay your own, and when does the losing party have to pay?  This question is very important when you are faced with a decision of whether to “take someone to court”.  In the United States,…


Have You Been Told to Send in a PSLF Application by October 31, 2022? Read on for Perhaps the Most Important Thing I Can Say About Student Loans Right Now!

As a student loan advocate for many years, and a practicing attorney in Tampa Bay, I fear that many people may interpret this advice in a way that will hurt their chances for forgiveness.  The PSLF application is only one-half of the equation.  A very important part is to make…


PSLF Consolidation Deadline is Approaching Faster than You May Think.

As the deadline to consolidate FFEL loans to Direct loans in order to receive PSLF forgiveness (OCT 31, 2022), we recommend that borrowers use Nelnet to consolidate rather than Aidvantage or Mohela as Nelnet is currently processing these quicker.  The account would then be transferred to Mohela, as the PSLF…

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