I just became aware of a new procedure to provide “an intent to separate a joint consolidation loan” when a client received this: As you are already aware, you and XX have a FFEL Joint Consolidation Loan. ED has indicated that FFEL Joint Consolidation Loan borrowers who take the necessary…
Articles Posted in Student loans
Our new Student Loan Sidebar is up Now!
We write a column – that has become 1-2 pages due to all the stuff going on — called the Student Loan Sidebar in our local Cramdown publication to all bankruptcy practitioners including debtor attorneys, the creditors’ bar and our judiciary. Because not everyone has access to this publication, we…
Would you Pay $2,500 to Finally Get Rid of your Federal Student Loans in Bankruptcy?
“It is now time”, states Judge Klein who is charting a path for discharging student loans without being reversed. For years, bankruptcy judges were wary of ruling in favor of debtors who asked for a discharge of federal student loan debt. In part, because those Judges knew their rulings would…
Wanting to Know More About Discharging Federal Student Loan Debt in a Bankruptcy?
By now everyone (our attorney friends) has probably watched a CLE on the new DOJ Guidance to discharge federal student loans, but do you really understand how to do the process? We are on a panel set up by the Bransons in Orlando doing an all-day workshop via Zoom on…
Educational Benefit Isn’t What it may Appear at First Blush
One of the early and frequent arguments made by opposing counsel in our private student loan discharge adversaries in bankruptcy is that the student loans were made for an educational benefit and thus are excluded from discharge. Specifically, Section 523(a)(A)(ii) exempts from discharge “an obligation to repay funds received as…
You Should Still Consider Consolidating Older FFEL loans Before May 11 When the Emergency Ends
Some of you may have heard that the May 1 deadline to consolidate older FFEL federal student loans to the newer Direct student loans for the one time account adjustment has just been extended until the end of the year. While that initially seems like great news, why is it…
Deadline to Consolidate FFEL to Direct for One Time Account Adjustment
The deadline to consolidate FFEL loans to Direct loans under the IDR Waiver program requiring a one time account adjustment has been moved from May 1 to the end of the year. This takes some pressure off for sure — but it’s still a good thing to do now rather…
Relief is Rolling Out Now that the Stay was Denied in the Sweet v. Cardano Settlement!!
Here’s a copy of a redacted letter our client received today – her loan is now toast! We should expect many many more in the next few days… Borrower Defense Application School: Argosy University Approval of Your Borrower Defense Case Under Exhibit C of the Sweet v. Cardona Settlement Dear XX: You…
Simply have to Share!
Our ABI presentation on the new DOJ Guidance and how to discharge federal student loan debt in bankruptcy went well today, here’s a couple instant reviews! Awesome awesome job guys! I have attended about 3 student loan panels, and this was the best! Best student loan CLE yet!! Over 200…
How to Discharge Federal Student Loans Using the New DOJ guidance
Reminder, ABI’s presentation for the new DOJ bankruptcy attestation discharge process is today at 3:00 p.m., here’s the link: https://abi.org/events/student-loans-in-2023-is-bankruptcy-finally-a-viable-option?utm_source=social&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=abiLIVE_studentloan23&mibextid=unz460 We are presenting along with Chad VanHorn from South Florida to explain how to file these cases, and give practical tips along the way! I’m sure the ABI will have…