Are you having trouble with your federal student loan servicer who is asking for income documentation? You can avoid all that for now, by simply self-certifying your income. You can self certify through February 29, 2024 and here is how: Once you self certify your income, that is…
Articles Posted in Student loans
Deadline of 12/31/23 for Federal Student Loans
To help get the word out on how to obtain significant savings on federal student loans, we are speaking at a roundtable for the Florida Defense Lawyers Association on December 14. Sponsored by: The FDLA Women in the Law Committee. Maximize your opportunities for student loan forgiveness by taking advantage…
ICR – What is This?
If you have federal student loans, the Income Contingent Repayment (“ICR”) is the most expensive Income Driven Repayment Plan or IDR: 20% of your discretionary income, or the amount you would pay on a repayment plan with a fixed payment over 12 years, adjusted according to your income. Think of…
Can you Discharge Student Loans in Bankruptcy? Why Yes, You Can!!
I just wrapped up an interview for for a story that they will run sometime in Nov or early December about the new rules allowing someone to discharge student loans in bankruptcy. I’ll post links here when that story is ready. Bottom line is that there is a growing…
Filed Bankruptcy After Oct 17, 2005 – You are Likely Eligible for Settlement Cash Now if you have a Navient Student Loan
Re: Youssef v. Navient Solutions LLC, et al., Adv. Pro. No. 17-1085, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York. CLAIM SITE: Borrowers are eligible for free money under $16 million student debt settlement – but you need to file a valid Claim Form by November 20,…
PSLF Borrowers May Benefit by Consolidating Even Direct Loans
Consolidation before December 31, 2023 will help some borrowers maximize benefits under the Account Adjustment. After the account adjustment, the qualifying PSLF payments made on loans later consolidated will be credited to the consolidation loan based on a weighted average of the qualifying payments on the underlying loans. This will…
On Hold with Your Student Loan Servicer?
Have student loans that are entering repayment? On hold with your servicer? For hours? Not quite sure what’s going on? Your servicer is your debt collector — are you certain that whatever they are going to tell you, assuming you get through, is your best option to reduce or eliminate…
Don’t Just Pay Your Student Loans – Without a Plan
Lots of misinformation out there regarding student loans. If you are receiving a bill, it’s important to speak with an expert or advocate who is on your side — discuss your options, make a plan. You might save many thousands of dollars by doing this! There are some important deadlines…
Bankruptcy Discharge of Federal Student Loans DOJ Attestation Process – How is it Going?
I ran across this statistic and wanted to share with you about the DOJ attestation process to discharge federal student loans. A great many are still pending. From 12/5/2022 through 7/15/2023 nationwide: 409 new complaints 205 new attestations (I don’t know what exactly this means) 70 Rec. Guidelines Met 32…
Are Your Loans Part of the Homaidan Lawsuit and What Does This Mean?
Say you have a private student loan and you have previously filed a bankruptcy. Was your private student loan discharged? I’m presuming you did not file an adversary case to obtain a specific ruling as to dischargeability of these loans. What is Homaidan? Loans that could have been discharged as…