Who are all these people? People who want to put an end to the student loan crisis. Most are Bankruptcy Judges from the Middle, Southern and Northern Districts. The rest are us committee members who helped to put in place a new Student Loan Modification Program which goes into effect…
Articles Posted in Student loans
Tips for Parents Saving for College
A 529 account and/or a Florida Pre-paid account is a no brainer. A 529 account is NEVER taxed. As long as you use the money for educational expenses, the gains from bond interest, stock dividends and stock appreciation is never taxed. You can easily set up an account through Vanguard…
PSLF Hoops to Jump Through: How to Avoid Being One of the Less Than 1/2 of 1% Who Qualify for PSLF!
For anyone who has an interest in Public Service Loan Forgiveness, or other forgiveness programs for federal student loans, we were interviewed by attorney Kenneth Landau on his radio show that will be broadcast at 3:00 p.m. today and available as a podcast thereafter at www.NCCradio.org.
What Happens to Student Loan Debt in a Divorce?
Rogers v. Rogers, 12 So.3d 288 stands for the general proposition that student loan debt incurred during the marriage is a marital liability. See, e.g. Smith, 934 So.2d 636, at 641; Adams v. Cook, 969 So.2d 1185, 1187 (Fla. 5th DCA 2007); Banton v. Parker-Banton, 756 So.2d 155, 156 (Fla.…
Should Federal Student Loan Servicers Be Held Responsible When They Misrepresent the Borrowers Options?
In the Seventh Circuit, which includes Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin – the answer is “YES” in a ground breaking ruling against Great Lakes this week. Servicers must tell the truth when a student loan borrower asks questions about their options to repay student loans. Servicers who steer borrowers into…
Case Study for Student Loan Presentation to Florida JEDTI Consumer Attorneys Today
Yes, it’s a holiday weekend and I’m not quite sure why a local consumer group JEDTI is doing their 2nd Annual Convention today, but it is about a 100 degrees out and I think I’d melt outdoors anyway so why not? JEDTI was originally made up of mostly foreclosure defense…
College Scorecard Helps Students Decide on Colleges
Fox 13 interviewed us in connection with their terrific story yesterday on the College Scorecard: College Scorecard a Wealth of Information on Every College and University in the Country. Anyone with a high school student or someone bound for college, should look into this resource to help make the decision…
Breaking the Stigma of High Student Debt
Today, we appeared on ParentPumpRadio as a guest discussing Breaking the Stigma of High Student Debt. Different topics were discussed such as the old view vs the new view on picking colleges, paying for school, choosing loans etc. If you are a parent or student thinking about college, be sure…
The Patriot Act Exposes the Student Loan Bubble: Entertaining and Informative Piece
This week 60 Minutes aired a student loan story about a Home Depot founder who donated hundreds of millions and raised additional funds to make NYU’s medical school tuition free. While this was a great story, and a compassionate thing to do to ensure that the lower paid physician…
Bankruptcy Payments Permitted to be Directed Toward Principal During Plan
Faced with a nearly impossible standard to discharge federal student loan debt in bankruptcy due to undue hardship, creative debtors’ attorneys and the bankruptcy courts are continuing to create pockets of relief wherever possible. Finding that “non-dischargeability does not immunize the student loan claim from modification,”a bankruptcy court confirmed the…