This week I received an email from a borrower who believed that she didn’t have to make her private student loan payments due to COVID and the CARES Act. Not true. While many private lenders have indeed voluntarily agreed to forbearance of two to six months per a recent Wall…
Articles Posted in Student loans
Whatever Happened to the Borrower Defense to Repayment Claims for Attendance at a Fraudulent School?
A proposed court settlement between the Trump administration and defrauded borrowers is in jeopardy after the administration revealed its widespread denials of requests for student debt cancellation for those who attended schools who lied to them in order to get them to attend, the Washington Post reported recently. The settlement…
McDaniel v Navient Case: Is this a Game Changer to Discharge Private Student Loan Debt?
This recent 10th Circuit case, McDaniel v. Navient, has gotten a lot of press among those in the student loan arena when it paved the way for discharge of 200k of private student loans. But what does it really mean? First, here is what wasn’t addressed in this case. Navient…
Pop Quiz: which option will END your private student loan debt?
Pop quiz: which option below is more likely going to END your student loan debt? Investment in Bitcoin (up 60+% this year) or Ethereum (up 300-400% this year); Winning the lottery; Discharging private student loans in bankruptcy while income is impacted by COVID? Place your bets…. I know which one…
Reduce Student Loan Debt – Christie Arkovich, Esq. on Cognitive Rampage podcast – how we got here, how we get out of this student debt!
Heartland ECSI – 1 star reviews –
We’re investigating this company for potential violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), among other things, and I ran across their Better Business Bureau reviews. I’ve never seen so many 1 star reviews! They’ve been in business for 48 years, are a major…
Can I Refi a Student Loan and then File Bankruptcy on it?
Nope. At least not at first blush, but keep reading. Not surprisingly, a loan provided to refinance student loans does not change the character of the loan. The Court in Juber v. Conklin (In re Conklin), No. 19-91 (W.D. N.C. Apr. 6, 2020) concluded that “[s]o long as the loan…
Throw Your Private Student Loans Out With the Bath Water
A review from another satisfied customer! Private student loans begone! I didn’t think it would be possible 5.0 stars Posted by LauraMay 29, 2020 I am so thankful that Christie and her team were able to resolve an issue with a private student loan. Many years ago I took a loan…
Lawson-Ross Win in the 11th Circuit for PSLF borrowers: a Beacon of Hope for other Federal Student Loan Borrowers Fighting False Promises
The American Prospect published an article yesterday about our Lawson-Ross Public Service Loan Forgiveness (“PSLF”) success in the 11th Circuit – which was very persuasively argued by Dan Zibel of National National Student Loan Defense Network. Two quotes that should give student loan borrowers comfort and should give pause to…
5 Questions to Ask Before Deciding if Student Loan Forbearance Can Help You
Most everyone has heard of the forbearance on student loan payments until September 30, 2020 due to COVID-19 – but like everything, there are nuances to this. I was fortunate to be interviewed to participate in Tiffany Connors’ very insightful article, 5 Questions to Ask Before Deciding if Student Loan…