How do you feel about discharging student loan debt in bankruptcy? The American Bar Institute (ABI) Consumer Bankruptcy Committee conducted a poll on what changes would attendees like to make to student loan discharges that I found interesting: 10% Recommended no changes – leave it as it is 22% …
Articles Posted in Student loans
New Federal Student Loan Servicers
Are you receiving notices from any of these five companies? If not yet, you likely will in the next few months. EdFinancial Services F.H. Cann & Associates Maximus MOHELA Trellis Company If so, this is because they all were awarded new contracts by the Department of Education starting in December…
What if you can’t Catch up on Bills that Piled up During COVID-19?
As the owner of a small bankruptcy law practice in Tampa, Florida, we were often thought of as the epicenter of the great recession and foreclosure crisis back in 2008-2012. One thing that always made a big impression on me, was the number of people who genuinely believed and tried…
Discharging Private Student Loans – New Sixth Circuit Case RE: Cost of Education
The question as to whether the private student loans were incurred “solely to pay qualified education expenses” under 26 U.S.C. Section 221(d)(1) is where these cases are won or lost. In Conti v. Arrowood Indemnity Co., No. 20-1172 (6th Cir. 12/14/20), the Court affirmed a bankruptcy court’s judgment against the…
New Hope for Borrower Defense to Repayment Program!
Despite Secretary DeVos summarily denying virtually every Borrower Defense to Repayment application that was ever filed under her watch, don’t give up hope! The Judge in Sweet v. DeVos just ruled that Secretary DeVos must give prior notice to the Court before denying any more borrower defense claims from student…
TE-PSLF — What to do if You Don’t Qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Good news. There’s lots of money left in TEPSLF. 700 million was appropriated and as of September 2020, only about 87.5 million had been discharged under TEPSLF. There is a new form here: Under the new form, you don’t have to apply for regular PSLF first, be denied, and…
Are You Returning to Work Solely Due to Your Student Loans? Here’s a Better Way…
Join us tomorrow at noon EST/ 11:00 CST for a Facetime Interview between Jamie (Miller and Miller in Wisconsin) and Christie (Arkovich Law in Florida) as we discuss why NO ONE should feel compelled to return to work right now, just to be able to pay their student loans. There…
How do You Get Rid of Student Loans – Use the Opportunities that COVID-19 presents now!
Are you tired of endlessly paying on your student loans, only to see no headway at all being made? I wrote this article for our local Cramdown publication for Tampa Bay attorney advocates and bankruptcy attorneys – these are tips that everyone should know about and ask their advocate for…
New Course for Accountants, Financial Planners or even Borrowers on “Helping Your Clients Take Their Lives Back From Their Student Loans”
Wrapping up another busy week with student loan discharges in bankruptcy and forgiveness under the disability program. Hosted an excellent presentation for Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association attorneys on the new procedures for small business reorganizations by Amy Denton Harris, a shareholder with Stichter, Riedel, Blain & Postler, P.A. and…
New Bankruptcy Relief for Student Loans and Homeowners Being Discussed in Congress.
I’m usually reluctant to talk much about pending bills recently introduced because so much can happen before a bill becomes a law. Remember that cartoon with the little bill walking from place to place? Wow, that dates me a bit. But odds are something along these lines will get passed…