We have five seminars that our attorneys are presenting at this month and next! Bankruptcy Updates: COVID-19 Changes to the Bankruptcy Code – The Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2020, April 26, 2021 SD FL Student Loan Program Virtual Workshop, May 10, 2021. Unpacking Medicaid Planning for the Non-Planners, April…
Articles Posted in Student loans
Free course available on April 7, 2021 at 4:00 EST by Student Loan Attorney Christie Arkovich. Everyone is asking what they can expect from a Biden administration’s student loan relief. In this course, you will learn about the CARES Act and its extensions, including COVID-19 forbearance; interest waiver for direct…
Crash Course in Covid-19 Student Loan Relief
For our CPA and financial planner friends, tomorrow I’m giving a FREE crash course in Covid-19 Student Loan Relief — what’s already happened, what can be expected from the Biden Administration. You can sign up for Wed. April 7 at 4:00 EST. You can watch it later also and 1.0…
How Did I Get Into This Student Loan Mess You Ask?
Here is an advertisement that a client sent me today from a loan she took out when she was 19 years old and didn’t know any better. She regrets it now when the balance has ballooned for her private loans to 100k and she only makes 35k after being out…
How Important Are Student Loans in a Credit Report?
We recently filed a dispute for one of our clients for student loans that were not accurately reported on her credit reports following our settlement. What a difference it made — 595 to 749! I’ve received a letter today from Equifax stating that the 4 disputed XXXX accounts have been…
Have You Wondered Why You Can Never Seem To Get Ahead?
Inflation and interest rates are the two primary culprits. Bankruptcy can actually be a fix to this problem and is something that everyone should evaluate NOW. Does it make sense to clear the deck and start fresh? Especially when that deck is stacked against most Americans who are not otherwise…
Great Start to a Monday!
Elon bought $1.5 billion of Bitcoin. I own Bitcoin. This makes me happy. What else makes me happy is a private student loan settlement offer we received on one of our adversary cases this morning. Our client will only have to pay back $22,000 rather than the whopping $300,000 she…
What Sets us Apart as Bankruptcy Attorneys?
There are so many things that set us apart and in my opinion make us one of the best law firms in the Tampa Bay area that you can choose to file your bankruptcy. Whoever you are looking to hire to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you…
This Client Considered Taking His Own Life Because He Was Distraught Over His Student Loan Debt.
Don’t let this happen to you or one of your loved ones! Take action now! Tell your loved ones and friends to take action now. Don’t wait for Congress. With the $2,000 stimulus that is now likely, it appears that President Elect Biden may have to push any meaningful student…
Secretary of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, Resigns!!!!
YAY — Bloomberg posted this tonight at 9:02 p.m. I couldn’t be happier about Secretary DeVos resigning from the Department of Education. It is well known that she has been a thorn in student loan advocates’ sides for quite some time! It’s too early to tell what exactly all the…