
Articles Posted in Student loans


We’re Approaching the Payment Restart Date — and Buy a House while you Wait.

We’re 40 some days away from the 8/31/22 federal student loan re-start date.  We’re all waiting for the details of the Fresh Start announcement for borrowers in default to reenter payment in good standing when the pause expires.  This would theoretically eliminate the need for a rehab or consolidation to…


Questions about the Navient/AG Settlement and Whether Your Private Loans are Discharged?

Are you unsure whether your private student loans are covered by the Navient/AG settlement? Navient has sent or is still sending out correspondence to all qualifying private loans under the Navient/AG settlement – give that until the end of July per the settlement – if your address is current with…


PSLF Waiver Fixes Lesser Known Issues as well: Deadline to Apply is October 31, 2022.

Normally, a teacher who qualifies for Teacher forgiveness after five years of service at a low income Title I school, cannot also obtain Public Service Loan Forgiveness using that time.  That won’t matter for someone who has less than $17,000 of federal student loan debt which is the cap for…


Joint Spousal Consolidation Loans — President Biden is Expected to Sign a New Act Any Day Now

The Senate passed a bill a few weeks ago, the Joint Consolidation Loan Separation Act, to unravel the Joint Spousal Consolidation Loan program which has trapped many older borrowers who were encouraged to consolidate their loans with their spouses upon graduation. While that may have sounded like a good idea…


Chapter 13s – Easier to File Now Due to Debt Cap Increases

If you have significant debt but have been told that you cannot file a Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy, now you can file bankruptcy and not risk dismissal by the U.S. Trustees office.  This change occurred because the Bankruptcy Threshold Adjustment and Technical Corrections Act was signed into law yesterday.  Prior…

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