President Trump signed an executive order titled Restoring Public Service Loan Forgiveness a couple days ago. While this should have to go through the normal channel of rulemaking which will take approximately one year, it appears that PSLF will be excluded for non-profits which engage in a “substantial illegal purpose”…
Articles Posted in Student loans
Student Loan Essentials for Florida Legal Services Webinar Free Link From Today
Today’s webinar went off without a hitch – link here. I tried to update our fellow attorneys on what we are seeing or hearing out there in our student loan world. Lots of changes, practically to everything in fact. Student Loan Essentials: Updates, Strategies, and Advocacy for Legal Aid Practitioners. …
BDTR Program in Limbo – Find Another Way Forward for Federal Student Loans
A post on Theresa Sweet’s [Plaintiff in Sweet v. Cardona’s class action BDTR lawsuit] Facebook page says the majority of workers reviewing BDTR claims have been laid off and majority of Ombudsman staff have been fired. For several months now, we have been of the opinion that while filing a…
Documents to Copy in Case of Department of Education changes
While it is unlikely that the Trump administration will close the Department of Education anytime soon, it is clear that ED will be dismantled in some form over the next few months to years. Many of its functions may discontinue or be passed to other federal or even state agencies.…
Total and Permanent Disability Discharge for Federal Student Loans Will Restart in March!
During all the hoopla surrounding student loans last year, probably the best program (TPD) out there gets so little attention. Right now, that’s probably a good thing right? I’m talking about the ability for someone who is unable to work a full time job doing what they used to do…
Ever Wonder what we do in a Student Loan Strategy Session Where Bankruptcy Presents Itself as a Fix?
I’m sharing this here — it’s also being provided to our fellow attorneys signing up for our NACA webinar today at 2:00 p.m. Helping your clients take their lives back from their student loans sometimes involve bankruptcy related solutions. While filing bankruptcy has typically NOT been helpful for those with…
Webinar Today at 2:00 p.m.
Much like the NASA moon landing, I have two very different powerpoints ready for a student loan presentation today at 2:00 p.m. for the National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) And I might be checking X on my phone every few minutes to see if there is any new Executive…
IDR Recount Still a Thing? Absolutely!!
We’re hearing that the results of the IDR recount is being posted as of last night on borrowers’ site. Not all loans are processed yet, but most of the processing work for the adjustment is done. We’ll see this roll out to everyone over the next few weeks. This…
Discover Student Loans
Big things are happening regarding Discover’s portfolio of student loans. If you have one of these, please follow along and see what can be done. Specifically, Discover is getting out of the private student loan business. Fully. They are sending letters to borrowers in a bankruptcy that they are forgiving…
What Should the Department of Education Focus on NOW?!
The highest priority that the Department of Education should be focused on now is updating borrowers’ payment counts with the IDR adjustment/audit. We have had so many people benefit from this over the past couple years – but there are still large numbers of people who have consolidated their Direct…