There are a ton of people who believed their student loans were discharged when they loans were simply listed in their bankruptcy. It may have been years before the private student loan companies started to communicate with the borrowers to collect this debt which added to that impression. As it…
Articles Posted in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Do Not File Your Tax Return If You Are In Default on Your Federal Student Loans: File an Extension and Cure the Default First
Are you expecting a large tax refund this year? If so, and you have had some financial difficulties this year, do NOT file your tax return if you are in default on your federal student loans OR about to file bankruptcy. Instead, some pre-planning is in order. For federal students…
How Can I Keep My Home In a Second or Even Third Bankruptcy Filing?
The automatic stay that normally applies when a debtor files bankruptcy, does not work the same in a second or even third bankruptcy case. This has caught many debtors unaware and may cause the loss of a home. In a 2nd bankruptcy filing, the automatic stay expires after 30 days. …
Bankruptcy Trustee’s 341 Meeting: What to Expect and Watch Out For
All debtors must appear at a meeting called the “341 meeting of creditors”. Creditors may, but usually do not appear, and it is the Trustee asking most of the questions. This 341 must occur for a bankruptcy to be successful and applies in both a Chapter 7 and 13. The…
What Happens If A Spouse Dies During a Bankruptcy?
Property owned by a husband and wife is ordinarily protected in Florida from creditors of only one spouse. There are requirements to being able to use what is called the Tenancy by Entireties Exemption such as the property must have been acquired at the same time etc. One question that…
Who Determines Household Size for Filing Bankruptcy In Florida?
The word “household” appears in over a dozen sections of the Bankruptcy Code, but it is not defined in the Code. Household income and size are extremely important in bankruptcy and determine whether someone qualifies for a Chapter 7 or the length and amount of a plan payment in a…
What Should a Mortgage Company Do During and Following a Bankruptcy?
In a perfect world, a mortgage creditor should: Timely file accurate proofs of claim for prepetition arrearage; Properly calculate postpetition PITI payment; Apply payments in accordance with confirmed plan; Conduct annual escrow account analysis that reflects payments made under confirmed plan; Send accurate payment change notices, with attachments for RESPA…
Non-Eligible Foreign Medical School Debt is Discharged in Bankruptcy in Florida!
One of our most successful cases this month was the discharge of private student loans for our client who attended a Caribbean medical school. The key was that the foreign medical school was not listed on the Federal Schools Codes List as being eligible for federal funding. That particular fact…
How Important is it to Complete Bankruptcy Schedules and Statement of Financial Affairs Accurately?
It is very important to correctly reflect the assets of your bankruptcy estate and your intentions as well as meet all the other requirements to properly file a bankruptcy. Documents that appear thorough, accurate and complete when filed, tend to receive far less scrutiny. When in doubt, disclose, disclose and…
Bankruptcy and Child Support Obligations
According to the US Census Bureau, and their latest full year of researched data on child support payments (2007), of the $34 billion dollars in child support that was owed, nearly 62% of it was reported as received by the end of the year. What does that tell us? Well,…