I’m usually reluctant to talk much about pending bills recently introduced because so much can happen before a bill becomes a law. Remember that cartoon with the little bill walking from place to place? Wow, that dates me a bit. But odds are something along these lines will get passed…
Articles Posted in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
COVID Relief for Private Student Loan Borrowers is Elusive: But Read to the Bottom – You won’t be Sorry!.
This week I received an email from a borrower who believed that she didn’t have to make her private student loan payments due to COVID and the CARES Act. Not true. While many private lenders have indeed voluntarily agreed to forbearance of two to six months per a recent Wall…
Our team will be presenting a webinar for the TBBBA tomorrow on The Intersection of Bankruptcy and Estate Planning
Don’t forget to register and put tomorrow’s (9/1/20) TBBBA consumer Zoom lunch at noon on your calendar. An attendee link was blasted out to all Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association members. This month we have Ha Dao and Barbara Leon presenting: The Intersection of Bankruptcy and Estate Planning: How to…
For our attorney followers: we’re setting up the TBBBA fall line up now!
The TBBBA is entering the Zoom age for the Consumer Lunches starting at Noon August 4 and continuing the first Tuesday of every month. The Zoom coordinates will be sent later in a TBBBA email blast. It’s bring your own lunch – but no commute! CLE credit. First up is:…
Local Insight Provided about the CARES Act on May 20 next week!
Webinar: Why you should care about the CARES Act May 20, 2020 at Noon The Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association will be hosting a FREE Webinar via Zoom on May 20, 2020 from 12:00 to 1:30pm. Why you should care about the CARES Act and its impact on Student…
How to Correct Your Credit Reports When Your Mortgage Payments are Not Reported Post Bankruptcy Discharge
It can be risky to reaffirm a mortgage in a bankruptcy, particularly when the property is underwater (worth less than what is owed), or you may need to move and sell quickly. A reaffirmation agreement puts you back on the hook to pay for the full amount of the mortgage,…
The Ugly Truth About Debt Relief Companies
I just found an eye opening video by Gary Fraley, a certified bankruptcy attorney in California, on why debt relief companies should be avoided! Watch the video – it’s short, to the point, and there’s a cool saddle in the back ground — looks like a former Texas transplant to…
Are Student Loans Considered “Consumer Debts” for Bankruptcy Filings?
Courts are divided on this issue. The answer may matter as to whether a debtor in bankruptcy must pass the means test. The federal Bankruptcy Code defines consumer debt as debt incurred by an individual “primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose.” … The court may classify student loans as either consumer debt or non-consumer debt. Some courts, like…
Are Those Pesky Student Loans or Other Debt Hanging on Despite a Settlement or Bankruptcy?
The FCRA requires that “[w]henever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates.” 15 U.S.C. Section 1681e(b). That’s a high burden “maximum possible accuracy”! And it is not being…
Filing Bankruptcy for a Small Business?
Filing bankruptcy for small businesses just got a whole lot easier! The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 takes effect on February 19, 2020. Some of the new features are that it adds a new subchapter V to Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code which is good for small business…