
Articles Posted in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy


For our attorney friends – I’ll be hosting Judge Delano at tomorrow’s TBBBA zoom lunch

Tomorrow’s TBBBA lunch Zoom 4/6/21 at 12:00 EST is by popular request due to inadvertent atty-client disclosures on Zoom hearings! My Attorney Client Privilege: What is it? Who has it? And When is it Waived? Judge Delano will present a refresher on the attorney-client privilege and maintaining client confidentiality.  Avoid…


Attn: all our debtor and creditor attorney friends (Judge Colton on board next Tues to address violations of the discharge injunction post Taggert and Musto)

Don’t forget next Tues March 2 at noon on zoom (wow, I just realized that rhymes), the TBBBA has Judge Colton presenting: Charting the “fair ground of doubt” regarding violations of the Discharge Injunction after Taggert v. Lorenzen: Firm Footing or Rocky Terrain? This presentation will explore the law regarding violations of…


Have You Wondered Why You Can Never Seem To Get Ahead?

Inflation and interest rates are the two primary culprits. Bankruptcy can actually be a fix to this problem and is something that everyone should evaluate NOW.  Does it make sense to clear the deck and start fresh?  Especially when that deck is stacked against most Americans who are not otherwise…


What Sets us Apart as Bankruptcy Attorneys?

There are so many things that set us apart and in my opinion make us one of the best law firms in the Tampa Bay area that you can choose to file your bankruptcy.  Whoever you are looking to hire to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you…


How Do You Pay Off Your Debt With Your Stimulus Money?

Let’s be frank.  If you have more than $10,000 unsecured debt, it may be better to use any stimulus monies to discharge all of your unsecured debt by filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy, rather than simply put it toward the interest that continues to accrue. If this is your best…


Discharging Student Loan Debt – Poll by ABI consumer committee members

How do you feel about discharging student loan debt in bankruptcy? The American Bar Institute (ABI) Consumer Bankruptcy Committee conducted a poll on what changes would attendees like to make to student loan discharges that I found interesting: 10%    Recommended no changes – leave it as it is 22% …


Highlights of the New Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Bill Under Review

Today the American Bar Institute (ABI) Consumer Bankruptcy Committee presented an excellent webinar about the new bankruptcy bill pending in the House.  Basically, the House would eliminate the existing Chapter 7 and 13, and replace them with a new Chapter 10 under the Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2020. While…


What if you can’t Catch up on Bills that Piled up During COVID-19?

As the owner of a small bankruptcy law practice in Tampa, Florida, we were often thought of as the epicenter of the great recession and foreclosure crisis back in 2008-2012. One thing that always made a big impression on me, was the number of people who genuinely believed and tried…


Having Problems with Your Mortgage After a Chapter 13 Discharge?

Are you STILL having problems with your mortgage servicer after catching up with your mortgage while in a Chapter 13? Are you being charged a huge sum to catch up even after the bankruptcy is over?  A mortgage servicer is required by federal law to perform an annual escrow analysis…


Are You Facing a Social Security Overpayment – Bankruptcy is Likely a Good Option.

The Social Security Administration (“SSA”) assesses overpayments in any instance where it thinks it may have overpaid benefits.  This most commonly occurs when a recipient doesn’t timely report a change in circumstances, such as income. In many cases, the overpayment may be caused by the SSA itself, when it fails…

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